We believe pricing should be easy and transparent.

Our pricing is built on these three cost:

PRoJect fee: $287

This covers the first hour on site, as well as FAA compliance, equipment, and other admin cost.

Hourly Rate: $130

Billed hourly for post processing, or any other additional man hours your project might require. Don’t worry, we can provide an estimate.

Travel: $1.05 (per mile)

For any projects outside of Fort Wayne.


Don’t need all that, and just want a view from the sky?

Base Photo Package: $150

5-10 aerial photos with basic post processing. Travel fees apply when applicable.


Have a bigger project, no problem.


Half Day

$587; This covers four man hours on site, as well as FAA compliance, equipment, and other admin cost. Any additional time requested is billed at $130 per hour. Travel fees apply when applicable.

Full Day

$950; This covers eight man hours on site, as well as FAA compliance, equipment, and other admin cost. Any additional time requested is billed at $130 per hour. Travel fees apply when applicable.


Ready to start your project?

Or have something a little tricky you want to talk through. Email us at skysquirrelstudio@gmail.com, give us a call at (765) 400-0759 or fill out the project request form here.