Elevate Your Listing With These Six Best Practices for Drone Video and Photography

Any real estate professional knows that “curb appeal” and “location, location, location” have long been twin pillars of selling a property. Today’s technologies, combined with the expectations of a new generation of buyers, are raising the bar on how to present a listing in the best possible light.

Savvy real estate professionals are not just focusing on a home’s interior — they’re also raising their eyes to the sky. Dronography is the listing agent's new essential tool for marketing any property consumers would want to rent (apartments), lease (vacation homes) or buy (residential or commercial properties).

Now, there’s little barrier to entry for real estate professionals raising the bar on listing videos or photography.

A uas , or Drone, photographer offer a highly cost-effective way to elevate your marketing efforts. Aerial video and photography capture stunning, views of a property and also convey a lifestyle.

Here are 6 Things You Can Do to Make them the Best:

1. Get acquainted with the roof and gutters.

Most of us pay no attention to them until problems occur. Sellers should know beforehand that the roof is in great shape and the gutters are free of leaves and debris. Buyers will be deterred if your drone video reveals missing shingles or saplings growing in the gutter.

2. Clear the clutter.

Just as you’d declutter a home’s interior, clear the exterior of kids’ toys, bicycles, hoses or trash bins. The rule about clutter applies whether inside or out: A property appears more spacious when it’s clutter-free.

3. Avoid outdoor maintenance work on the day of the drone appointment.

Get the landscaping and the pool cleaning done ahead of time and be sure all equipment is out of sight. And be sure your drone appointment doesn’t coincide with trash pick-up day.

4. Alert the neighbors in advance.

Drones have an unmistakable hum, and they are not that common in most neighborhoods. Sellers should avoid unwanted surprises by telling the neighbors the day and time the dronographer is due to arrive. The entire video shoot should take less than 30 minutes, so emphasize to clients and their neighbors that it’s a short process.

5. Notify parents of young children, too.

If the neighborhood kids regularly play outside, Mom and Dad may be more comfortable if they have the option to keep them inside or take them out for a ride.

6. Cloudy days are fine days for capturing aerial images and video.

Since a cloudy sky eliminates the harsh shadows projected on a landscape. Still, many sellers want sunshine in their drone videos and photography. Any customer-focused photography company should have the flexibility to happily reschedule the drone appointment when requested.

With these best practices in mind, you can elevate each and every property listing with dronography.